Surabhi Sharma Surabhi Sharma| India

Surabhi Sharma has been an independent filmmaker making feature-length documentaries and short films since 2000. Her documentaries, fiction, and video installations engage with cities in transition using the lens of labor, music, and Migration

Her works have been screened at international film festivals like Dubai International Film Festival, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, Asia Pacific Screen Awards among others. She has also created video installations that have been exhibited at the Serpentine Gallery, London; nGbK, Berlin, Shenzhen and Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture and the 11th Shanghai Biennale.

Her films have been recognized and awarded at several important film festivals like Film South Asia, Eco-Cinema Greece, Karachi Film Festival. Surabhi Sharma is faculty and Program Head of the Film and New Media program at the New York University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.