KAROLINA LIDIN KAROLINA LIDIN | Producer, Consultant and Advisor | Denmark

Karolina Lidin is a documentary consultant with more than twenty-five years of experience on the international documentary scene, currently engaged at Nordisk Film & TV Fond as Senior Documentary Advisor, and for 12 years Marketplace Executive Producer at Sheffield Doc/Fest, developing the successful MeetMarket concept.

In addition, Karolina Lidin is continuously involved in mentoring/training schemes, and developing projects with international potential, among others DocedgeKolkata, Dhaka DocLab, DocsPort Incheon / DMZ Docs, Dok. Incubator, CoPro, and AIDC Australia.

She has previous experience as producer, film commissioner, distributor and as CEO of Nordisk Panorama. Her activities include moderating the IDFA FORUM, CPH:FORUM and numerous other film festival and market events - in addition to jury duty, panel & selection committee participation worldwide.