GUNNY(GUNE) HYOUNG Gunny(Gune) Hyoung | Artistic Director | EBS Korea/EIDF | South Korea

Gunny studied Film & TV Production in America. He started his career T documentary series but moved on to become one of the founding members of EIDF(EBS International DOC Film Festival).

Gunny stationed in the Netherlands for Radio Netherlands and ABU (Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union) in KL Malaysia worked as a documentary producer.

He's now working as Artistic Director in charge of K-DOCS which is the Pitching Platform of Documentary Support.


EBS is one of the Public TV networks in Korea. EIDF is a film festival combining TV and DOC Films together. We acquire DOC films for TV right in Korea. K-DOCS is supporting documentary projects from various stages. Many Indian film projects also received many supporting Awards from both the EIDF Industry and K-DOCS (A bigger version of EIDF after the pandemic).
